Early Warrior Dual Enrollment Application

    Please fill out the form below using the student's name, contact information and preferences.
    Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are  required for the submission of the form.

    Fall Semester 2025 (August-December)
    Enrollment Opens: April 7th
    Enrollment Deadline: August 15th
    Student's Biographic Information*
    Student's Contact Information
    Mailing Address*
    Mailing Address*
    Academic Information
    Have you previously attended Lycoming College?
    Have you previously attended Lycoming College?
    Does a member of your family currently work at Lycoming College?
    Does a member of your family currently work at Lycoming College?
    Additional Information
    Additional Questions?
    If you have any further questions about becoming a student at Lycoming College through the Early Warrior Dual Enrollment program, please refer to our website or contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@lycoming.edu for more information. 

    Thank you for your interest!